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Best Practices For Minimizing Nutrient Loading into Fish Lake:


1. Seal your trash bags and keep litter out of the street.  Litter to waterways in unsightly and harmful to the animals who call that place home.


2. Keep leaves and grass off the sidewalks and streets. Blow or sweep grass clippings back onto the lawn and not in the street.  Leaves and grass contain phosphorus which can result in algae growth and toxic water for animals.


3. Choose zero-phosphorus fertilizer and keep it on your lawn. The middle number is the phosphate (phosphorus) content; a "zero" in the middle means it is phosphorus-free. Don't fertilizer before a heavy rain.  Sweep up  extra fertilizer from sidewalks, driveway, and street.


4. Pick up pet waste and place in the trash (it contains bacteria can wash into the lake and be harmful to humans and aquatic life.


5. Keep your vehicles maintained so fluids don't leak on the driveway or street; take used motor oil to a drop-off site. Wash your car on the lawn or at a car wash, not on the driveway or street.


6. "Adopt-A-Storm Drain" in your neighborhood.  Kept it free from all debris including grass clippings, leaves, branches, tree buds, in the spring.

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